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What is Teen Bible Quizzing?

Teen Bible Quizzing is a group-focused ministry. Youth study together, and compete together. They encourage each other to stay committed to studying the Bible. They work together to help each other memorize the memory verese. They hold each other accountable to keeping Christlike attitudes throughout all of this and during competitions. Many quizzers tell stories of how a particular passage or book of the Bible they are studying has challenged them to live differently. 

While memorization of the bible is unquestionably a valuable endeavor, the goal of Bible Quizzing is to move the student of the Word to become an implementer of the Word. To stop at memorization misses the point of Bible Quizzing. We should be continually asking the question, "How does this passage shape how we live?
The goal of Breakthrough Student Ministries is: To develop lifelong believers who long to grow in their relationship with God to be more like Christ." One of the spiritual disciplines among lifelong believers is daily devotional time spent in God's Word. Bible Quizzing is a great opportunity for students to form those habits now at a young age, not just on their own, but with other teens. Bible Quizzing is not simply testing to see who has the most knowledge and free time, it is a way that teens can grow closer to each other and to God! It gives them space to ask difficult questions that they may have about God, or the Bible. It is also a great way to form lifelong friends!

Upcoming Events

October 5 - Saturday
October 9 - Wednesday
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
October 11 - Friday
October 12 - Saturday
October 13 - Sunday

02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
October 16 - Wednesday
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
October 20 - Sunday
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
October 23 - Wednesday
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
October 27 - Sunday
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
October 30 - Wednesday
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
November 2 - Saturday
10:00 AM
November 3 - Sunday